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Da Nang’s museums ready to welcome visitors back


After the ‘stay-at-home’ order applied to Da Nang’s population has been lifted, many museums citywide have resumed their operations. Aside from tackling a huge backlog of work, museum staff have been busy cleaning artifacts and rearranging display spaces inside the museums in preparation for their further reopening as the COVID-19 pandemic has been brought under control in the city.

Artist Truong Nguyen Nguyen Kha, Head of the Professions Office at the Da Nang-based Fine Arts Museum, remarked that 4 security guards were assigned to stay at the museum for working under ‘3-on- the-spot’ (on-site production, on-site dining, on-site resting) approach during the social distancing period.

Meanwhile, work-at-home staff were responsible for using popular social networks to organize online exhibitions and virtual tours in an effort to help their audience access remotely these events during their closings.

“So far, all museum staff have returned to work. They have been focusing on checking the status of artifacts at storage warehouses and rearranging display spaces inside the museum in preparation for their further reopening” said Mr Kha.

From now until late 2021, the museum plans to host an exhibition entitled “Images of women in arts works by the late artist Le Cong Thanh” in the build up to the 91st founding anniversary of the Vietnam Women’s Union (October 20, 1930-2021), along with a gallery dedicated to a collection of comic paintings created by painter Vinh Khoa on the occasion of the Viet Nam Cultural Heritage Day (November 23).


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