Weather: 23 °C / 73 °F
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103 - 105 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Khue My Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang City, Vietnam

7,0 km from Danang Airport

See You In Danang


These days, Vietnamese together with global citizens are taking their responsibilities during Covid-19 crisis by social distancing, staying at home more, and restricting travelling activities.

These days, the “white-shirt heroes”, together with many volunteers are the front liners taking their responsibilities towards the country.

These days, Danang becomes a little quieter, a little slower, as if the city is preparing itself to be the strong back-line for the heroes fighting with all their efforts out there.

No matter what, Danang remains beautiful. The flowers are still blooming along the beloved streets of the city. Han River is still flowing and witnessing the local daily life. Son Tra is still holding on and healing. The beach is still gorgeous and loving…

On behalf of the tourism industry of Danang, of the citizens of Danang, we would like to send our gratitude to all the heroes in this battle. Danang FantastiCity team would like to send a special message to domestic and international tourists: Take care. Pause. Stay at home. Because Danang will wait for you.

A little waiting will make every reunion worthwhile, isn’t it? Remember, you have a date will Danang soon. And Danang will wait.

#thankyou #takecare #seeyouinDanang

Source: Danang FantastiCity

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