Weather: 27 ยฐC / 81 ยฐF
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103 - 105 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Khue My Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang City, Vietnam

7,0 km from Danang Airport

Solemnly Welcome 23 European Ambassadors & Representatives To Furama – Ariyana Danang Tourism Complex

From 09 April to 14 April, Furama – Ariyana Danang International Tourism Complex was honoured to welcome 23 European Ambassadors and Representatives during a visit to Da Nang City.
Mr. Andre Pierre Gentzsch, General Manager of the Furama – Ariyana Danang Tourism Complex, proudly greeted all the esteemed guests who expressed their appreciation for the warm reception.

All guest were invited to leave their signatures in our guestbook. We are thrilled to share this momentous occasion and look forward to fostering stronger ties and creating memorable experiences for all our esteemed visitors.

This significant visit not only reinforced Furama’s reputation as a premier destination for international diplomacy and global events but also underscored its capacity to host high-profile dignitaries with utmost professionalism and warmth. The positive feedback from the European delegates about their experience is a testament to Furama’s dedication to excellence in hospitality. It reflects the complexโ€™s ability to deliver services that meet the sophisticated expectations of international guests, further cementing its status as a leader in the global tourism industry. This event is a shining example of how Furama continues to set benchmarks for luxury and hospitality on the world stage.

Thank you for choosing Furama – Ariyana Danang Tourism Complex as your host. We are looking forward to welcoming you back in the near future.

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103 โ€“ 105 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Khue My Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang City
T: +84(0)236 3847 888 / 333
#furamaresort #Furama #resortdanang #Resort2024 #tourism #danang #buffet #resortdanang #dulichdanang #FuramaVillasDanang #culinary #culinaryresort #heritage #heritagresort #Summer #Beachvacation #EUAmbassador #welcome


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