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103 - 105 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Khue My Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang City, Vietnam

7,0 km from Danang Airport

The 4th Pan-Asian Biomedical Science Conference

The Fourth Pan Asian Biomedical Science Conference which was organized under the aegis of the University of Danang and the Asia International Science Consortium has taken place from December 5th to December 7th, 2018 at the International Convention Palace (ICP) of the Furama Resort Danang, gathering some 200 delegates from Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Biomedicine in the 21st Century: Asia-Pacific Insights” which features six tracks that are relevant to clinicians, basic scientists, and health care professionals: Clinical translation, Traditional medicine, Personalized medicine, Risk assessment, Medical devices, High thorough data and bioinformatics.

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