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103 - 105 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Khue My Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang City, Vietnam

7,0 km from Danang Airport

South Korea To Open Consulate General In Danang

Vietnam News journalist from KBS in Seoul cited that South Korea is going to open a new Consulate in Danang, Vietnam and an Embassy in Latvia.

These are the two new details on the bill passed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea on 19 March.
Danang is a popular attraction for South Koreans, welcoming 1 million tourists every year. The opening of Consulate General office in Danang will enable the development of tourism, as well as ensure the safety and benefits of Korean travellers.
At the same time, South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs will increase 13 officers to assist with consulate matters in 13 offices in countries like Laos and UK.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also assign human resources to assist in “Korea’s New Southern Policy”, diplomatic relationships in MIKTA countries (South Korea, Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey and Australia), and India.
The Ministry evaluates that this is an opportunity to reform and reinforce consulate services and security for Korean citizens
Source: Danang Fantasticity

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